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Presenters: Swedish Metagenomic Initiatives

                     Maria Kahlert

Associate Prof. in Ecology with an Orientation in Environmental Assessment, SLU


Research on freshwater benthic algae: biodiversity, regulation by environmental factors, algae as biomonitors in lakes and streams, harmonization of methods.


List of publications



EDNA is an open forum where scientists and stakeholders can meet and discuss applications of methods for studies of environmental monitoring and metagenomic research. The focus of EDNA is to promote collaboration between researchers and the end users.


EDNA has been created during a working group meeting organized by SLU in collaboration with Swedish Marine and Water Management Agency (HaV) and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (NV). The network now connects participants from six universities in Sweden (GU, SLU, UmU, UU, SU and KTH), SciLifeLab, as well as several state agencies and institutions, e.g. HaV, NV, Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM), National Veterinary Institute (SVA), Coalition Clean Baltic, etc.


EDNA plans to organize a yearly mini-congress followed by a discussion group meetings, meant to provide an opportunity for scientists to meet, discuss their latest results and connect with the stakeholders. Another purpose of that is to promote discussion about the direction of Swedish environmental monitoring, covering both technological aspects of it, as well as the analytical, infrastructural and economical ones.


EDNA's vision is that collaboration between scientists and stakeholders will benefit from creating and maintenance of quality standards within application of DNA-analysis technologies to environmental research and monitoring.


Sari Peura
Associate Senior Lecturer at the Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, SLU

Research on the microbes controlling the carbon cycle of aquatic habitats in the boreal and subarctic region. Studying the ecology of aquatic fungi with focus on organisms and processes degrading organic matter, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and functional genomics of candidate phylum Parcubacteria.

List of publications


SLU Metabarcoding Laboratory


SLU Metabarcoding Laboratory is an infrastructure that will provide theoretical and experimental expertise as well as laboratory facilities for molecular species identification and organismal community analysis. It offers state of the art research support in both basic and applied sciences for SLU researchers in collaboration with Science for Life Laboratories.

Other National Initiatives With Focus on Metagenomics




Homepage in Swedish:

Contact: malin.strand(@)



Swedish Biodiversity Atlas

Contact: anders.andersson(@)


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